Nine things a modern women must have

Nine things a modern women must have

Dear Modern Women,

Listen to me sophisticated women. Let me first greet you and say that i love you, you are so special for me, i will wish y'all prosperity.

Listen to me sophisticated women i have a very brilliant advice for you today. I have strong believe you will listen to me. Hear what i have to say to you.

My advice to the sophisticated women is to explain how women would conduct a social life and succeed. A woman conduct a social life with compassion. We can divide compaission in charity, morality and tolerance.

A modern women should live her life within the borders of giving, ethics and patience.

Giving, ethics and patience are the best social policies, it is through them that the world is pleased. no one get cheated by the world that has been pleased.

1. Leadership

 The qualities of a sophisticated women are truth, generosity, peace, wisdom, pacince, respect and generosity.

Women of sophistication should cause the assembly of people through giving, speaking pleasantly, purposeful and concordant behaviour.

2. Generosity

Modern women should be focus in helping others as their were helping themselves. Modern Women should make themselves available for others.

Generosity draws social allegiance.

Charity call for analysis of what will help.

3. Type of Help

Modern Women Should care for the afflicted by disease, lack of family, pain, low class, poverty...

Women of sophistication care for the sick, the unprotected, suffering take special care to nourish them.

Care for religious institutions.

Care for education; help in the school

Care for parks and recreation.

Care for animals.

Care for business and commercial regulations.


Modern women should be just, trust and employ true words always.

Truth i never deceitful; truth is never a fabrication. truth is what is helpful to others.

4. Peace

Women of sophistication should be in peace. In peace there is profundity, respect, influence and command.

5. Wisdom

Women of sophistication should have an unshakable mind. 

6. Respect

Women of sophistication should honor those worthy of honor, serving parents and revering religious teachers.

7. Character

Women of sophistication should know good policies, be pure, harmonious, excellent ethics and grateful.

8. Obey the rules of society

Women of sophistication should guide themselves by giving, ethics, patience, compassion and respect.

9. Love

Women of sophistication should view beings with love.

Listen to me women of sophistication;

I love you.


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