What is a smart women?

What is a smart women?

Dear Charismatic Ladies,


With Lydia Delights you get updates, Advices and contents. Today, once again, I will make sure to delivery greats Advices.

Anytime I have to write to Advice women I am happy.

I have a strong believe that women can explore at maximum level their potential.

Today I want Address you talking about Innovation.


Innovation can be something new or change made to an existing product: New idea, Method or device.

Reason Why Women Fail As Professional or Executive

1. Management decisions made 

2. Good management - when women listen to their customer, invested in new technology to better or improve the products you customers wanted, because they know the market that promise better returns.

3. You lose your position of leadership. 

4. Ignore principles of disruptive innovation.

Principles of of good management are only valid if you operate them in the markets that you have knowledge and they are temporary.

The best way is look for innovative solutions, even though, you have no knowledge of the market, customer and the product performance. 

In order to succeed women have to study and understand the principles of disruptive innovation.

Three reasons why women can fail for lack of good management

1. Failure to understand the difference between sustaining products and disruptive products.

2. Technology progress. If you improve too much your product gets to the point that exceeds the customer's needs. 

3. Understand your customers and and financial structures of your decisions.

Sustaining Decisions And Disruptive Decisions

Your new decisions will have to improve your products or actions. When you improve your own decisions or actions we call Sustaining Decisions. sustaining Decisions can be discontinuous or Incremental nature. Sustaining Decisions improve the performance of your established products or actions.

Disruptive Decisions

Are innovative decisions that result in worse products performance. Disruptive Decisions precipitates the leading decisions to fail. They bring to the market different values. Underperform the lead decisions and products in the market. The products are cheaper, simpler and smaller.

Needs and products or decisions improvements

Technology can progress faster than market demand: If you are trying to get better products than your competition and make better profits, you risk to give your to your customers more than what they need. In the market Your decision that did not perform today can be competitive in the same market tomorrow.

Disruptive decisions and rational investments

As a smart women you have to be far away from the idea that investing in a disruptive decision is not rational because:

Disruptive decisions or products are;

1. Simpler and cheaper, lower margins, not greater profits

2. Are commercialized in emerging markets or smaller markets

3. Customers do not want your products because their are simpler and cheaper.

If you listen to your customer and identify products that promise greater returns and growth you will get away from the principles of disruptive innovation or decisions which will be a huge mistake.

Women Good management practice

Good management practice are planing better, work harder, become customer driven and take long term perspective, market research and execution.

Five principles of Disruptive Innovation

1. Dependence on customers and inventors for resources.

You have to understand this principle in the following terms " theory of resources dependence" Customers and investor dictate how money will be spent. Investment have to satisfy customers and investors. Kill the ideas that customers do not want.

If you have to as a smart women to avoid customer and investor decision to influence your disruptive decision you can create a brand new organization charged with building a new and independent business. Never ignore customers or investor but align your disruptive decisions with the way they want spent the money.

2. Small markets do not solve the growth needs of large companies.

If you understand the principles of disruptive decisions you will be able to enable new markets. If you take the decision to enter emerging markets early you have a significant competitive advantages. You can succeed and grow large. New market are not large. Emerging markets are limited in terms of growth opportunity. A smart women will not take a decision of wait until the market gets larger. it is not wisdom. In order to apply wisdom a smart women have to take the decision of create a business unit or organization whose size match the size of the market. Small organizations, business units, can respond to opportunity to gross in the small market.

3. Markets that do not exist cannot be analyzed.

In sustaining decision the size and growth rate of the market  are known, technological progress are established and needs of the customers are understood. Leadership is not important because of the market research and the planners

Disruptive decisions open opportunities to new markets which market research and business planners cannot be found. First movers advantages. Market data and planning are not useful in disruptive decisions because the market is unknown.

Right markets and right strategy cannot be known in advance.

4. Organization's capabilities

People or employees and organizations have two different capabilities. An organization capability depends on: 1. process transform knowledge and information into higher value; 2. Organization values- the guidelines for the decision taken. Processes and values to develop high-margin product cannot be the same used to develop the low-margin value products.

5. Technology supply may not equal market demand.

Disruptive technology can initially only be used in small markets but they can become fully-performance competitive against established products. The pace of technological progresses faster  than rate of improvement in a product according to a customer demand.

Love Y'all

Lydia delights 









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