How to relieve stress quickly at home

How to relieve stress quickly at home

Hi Ladies,

I take the following time to wish each of you and everywoman a blessed happy new year. Happy holidays.

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Here comes my next advice on How to relieve stress quickly at home. With changes happening really quickly everyday in the society a lot of time we find ourselves emerged into mental afflictions. The reason is attribute to the quickly change and the pressure that the change comes with it.

Dear Ladies,

Take my advice o you can free yourself from anytype of mental affliction. 

Ladies of wisdom here I go.

Bliss and peace are all pervading- destroyer of ignorance- and the cause of all Universe. Bliss is permanent - objects and whatever we see are transients. Bliss is changeless. Bliss is the witness of objects.

Whatever is not a Bliss is such as objects, the senses, the mind and the intellect.

The cause of Stress is desire. Human beings have desire. Human is the biological aspect of the creature we call Men. Being is the Bliss, the peace the spiritual aspect of the creature we call Men.

Desire is located in the human aspect. Being or Bliss is devoid of desire.


Previous Impressions in the Mind as well as the contact of the mind with the external objects give rise to desires. Desire a stimulus.  Desires create Anxiety and Stress. 

Turning yourself away completely from all senses objects is Bliss or Peace, Bliss allow you to endure all sorrow or pain.

Anytime you believe you are biological HUMAN you will have afflictions. In opposite if you believe you are a being  you will be blessed by Bliss. Beings have no desire. Beings are Blissed or Peace.

To be free of pain and sorrow Your Job is be able to discriminate when you are biological human and when you are a being. A a being you have no suffer.

Ladies let me tell you a profound truth that is hidden in the most books of secrete or knowledge. You are not your body (matter); you are not your senses (matter). You are spirit the BEING (not matter).

We are not aware of our nature as a blissed beings because the only thing that we are directly aware of is our own THOUGHTS.

THOUGHTS create the the world that we see before us. What we call body, Mind, Sense and World is only a THOUGHT in our own Mind. And what produces thought is the being.


The form (object) is perceived and the EYE (sense organs) is its perceiver. The EYE is perceived and the MIND is its perceiver. The Mind with its modifications (change and impermanence) is perceived and the BEING- BLISS is verily the perceiver, BUT the BLISS is not perceived by any other entity.

Recognize that you are BLISS you will be free.

Let me explain it FORM implies objects; EYE organs of perceptions; Perceiver EYE or Mind in a relative way - Bliss is the ABSOLUTE perceiver.

The Being- Bliss is the Ultimate perceiver.

The forms-object appear a various. The EYE, sees them, itself appears as ONE and the same. The objects vary. The perceiver is constant and changeless. The Eye is unit while the objects change. The characteristic of the objects is changeability. 

The EYE on account of its changeable nature in an object and its perceiver is the MIND. The Eye can be blind, sharp or dull. The Mind is unity thats why is able to recognize the EYE. The EYE is the perceiver in respect to objects. The MIND perceives the changes taking place in the EYE. The Mind Knows the change in the EYES because is a unity. 

Mind also like other sense-organs is an object perceived by the BEING-BLISS. The BEING recognizes the various mental states- DESIRE, determination, doubt, faith, steadiness. Mind undergoes changes. Because 0f its changeable nature Mind is an object of perception and BLISS is the perceiver. All changes are perceived by the BLISS.

BEING-BLISS does neither rise nor set; it does not increase; nor does it suffer decay;  

Ladies of great wisdom control your levels of desires, control your attachments, control the passion for objects.


Happy holidays,

Prosperous 2023,



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