How to reduce stress and tension

How to reduce stress and tension

It's always a pleasure to have to address to every and each pretty women. As you know, It is aim to give value in terms of advice and contribute to the empowerment and improvement of the women's knowledge, so, women can face the social challenges resulting of permanent changes. Permanent changes carry with it situation that can take or conduct women to a point that they will face stress or tension in life. To fight tension or stress women needs to have knowledge.

ladies the main question I will address is if it is possible to be free of stress and tension without have to see doctors and medicine or prescriptions?

The way the society is organized nowadays women are forced to have to do work or to do something like school, gym, self employment, help and more. All actions are work. For society the goal of women is work even if you have to stay home taking care of the kids. The wisdom tells us that the society is wrong when define that the goal of a mankind is to work. Pleasure and work are not the goal of society or mankind. In reality work and pleasure are the trigger of the stress and tension. Pleasure and happiness end when the stress and tension starts. Wisdom tells us that pleasure is the cause of all miseries. What we call stress and tension is just pleasure and pain. Our character as a human being is an aggregate of tendencies: misery and happiness; evil and good. Experience has demonstrated that misery has taught more than happiness; poverty more than wealth.

Knowledge is inherent to a man. No knowledge come from outside. Knowledge is within man.   What society calls knowledge is, in fact, what man discovers or unveils; and what society says man learn is what he discovers. The soul within the man is infinite source of knowledge. The spiritual definition of soul is knowledge.

Society calls Newton as the one who discovered the Gravitation. Gravitation was on his mind. The time came and the mind revealed to him. All knowledge comes from the mind. The society teach you that the knowledge comes from the universe. Wisdom tells you that the knowledge comes from your own mind. The society tell you to study the universe. Wisdom tells you to study your own mind. The falling of an apple gave the suggestion to Newton and he study his own mind (thought). The apple itself could not produce knowledge or thought. Thought is within a man.

All knowledge is in the human mind. Knowledge exist in our mind and comes out through suggestion. Also our feelings and actions, tear, smiles, joys, and our griefs comes from our mind. Every your mental or physical action affects the soul within, the soul within manifest through suggestion and the mind picks it as a thought. 

Your work determines what you deserve.You are responsible for what you are and whatever you wish yourself to be you have the power. Whatever you want to be in the future can be produced by your present actions.

You have to do your work with cleverness by knowing how to work. If you know how to work you can obtain great results.

If you work without any selfish motive you gain the highest (peace and bliss). Practice unselfishness and you will be more rewarded. Unselfishness is great manifestation of power. Unselfishness is self-control. Self-control produces a mighty will a Character.

Practice silence and solitude because they are the highest. Silence and solitude are intensest activity.

If your mind is in silence and solitude you have peace and bliss even within the noise from the city. Self-restraint and self-control are the stress opposition.

Revolving Towards

Revolving towards are what we call the WORLD.  The WORLD ( I and Mine) are Wealth, Money, Power, name and fame (accumulating everything you can), the natural tendency of every human being.

Revolving Away

Fundamental basis of Morality and religion, self-abnegation, sacrifice for another being. Power of good actions is the same as religion or morality without you have to pray. The philosopher, the good actions and the devotee all meet at one point- self-abnegation.

What the society mean by WORLD is just selfishness. Unselfishness is GOD.

Theory of non-attachment 

Avoid attachments while living. Know that you separated from the world. Whatever you being doing in the world is not for your own sake. Any action you do to yourself the effects will bear upon you. Good actions will take good effects. Bad actions will take bad effects.

Any action that is not done for your own sake will have no effect on you. Do not work fo the sake of your own enjoyment. Enjoyment should not be the goal. Take the world as yourself. 

The theory of help

No one in this universe depends upon us. No beggar depends on your charity. No soul depends on your kindness. Not one living thing depends on your help.

All are helped on by  NATURE. Nature will help even if millions of us were not in the world. Selfishness will not stop the course of the nature.

The world principle

The world is not for you and inevitably does not need you, do not fear from nobody as long you help others.

Independence of the world

The world does not require any help from you. It is nonsense to think you can help the world. Trying to help the world is called Selfishness. The world does not depend on you or anybody-be happy. No reaction will be against you or in form of pain if you realise the non-depence of the world.

Pride in you

There is nothing very great in what you give to the world.

When you have acquired the feeling of non-attachment, there will then be neither good nor evil for you. It is on selfishness that causes the difference between the good and evil. 



 Any work, any action, any thought that produces an effect is called causation. Cause and consequence. Wheresoever there is a cause, there an effect must be produced. Whatever we see, or feel, or do, whatever action there is anywhere in the universe, while being the effect of the past work becomes a cause  in its turn, and produces its own effect.


Tendency of series to repeat itself. One event followed by another or happening simultaneously with another. The expectancy is the sequence or co-existence to recur. Law in the method, the manner in which our mind grasps the series of phenomenon; it is all in the mind.


Our ideas of law are due to association. A series of phenomenon becomes associated with things in our mind in a sort of invariable order, whatever we perceived at any time is immediately referred to others fact in the mind.

Universal law

The universe is only part of the infinite existence, thrown in a particular mould, composed of space, time and causation. Law is possible only within the conditioned univer (space, time and causation).

The universe is the portion of universe limited by our own mind- the universe of senses, see, feel, touch, hear, think of, imagine.

At the level of universal law, space, time and causation you will have stress and tension. Existence cannot be subject to law beyond the universe. Beyond the universe there is natural peace and bliss. When the existence appears moulded in name and form obeys the universal law and mind's limitation. 


Love y'all ladies


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