Dear Madam,
Take my advice as I communicate woman to a women.
Today I will give you an advice on how to become entrepreneur.
The Power Of Observation
We believe that we know ourselves- self-knowledge. We assume to have a self-knowledge. In reality we spend most of our time studying subjects and objects- knowledge of other things. The observation is the way you study objects and subjects. Observation is the method which brings you knowledge.
So, you can become self-aware by studying yourself the way you study others. Any knowledge needs a method. Self-awareness is knowledge.
Entrepreneurship requires fundamental alignment of values, Self-Awareness, the essence is that each entrepreneur is unique and each enterprise is tailored to that individual.
Usually society decides who you are. Environment shapes your personality and character. The one you believe you are. The one you believe you have knowledge of. You have more control over your life than your thought.
Entrepreneurs have ability to shape their own life through their own decisions.
You have to have control over your own thought and your own decisions.
The method is observation. Observe your thoughts and decisions.
As an entrepreneur you will see your life in terms of choices and decisions you have to take. You will understand why you have failed.
As an entrepreneur see yourself as a product of your choice. See where your choices have taken you compare with the self-knowledge you have from you.
You have to know what you like to do. What you do good by nature. That which, when you do it, you succeed.
Get the habit of have a list of the things you like to do. Have the habit of write your thoughts. Get the habit of write your own decisions.
Keep practicing self-assessment.
Be hungry for achievement.
As an entrepreneur consider all your experiences potentially useful.
Dreams are Thoughts.
Entrepreneurs devote time and energy to achieve their goals, so, you need to be highly motivated. You will need to be committed to your goal. You will be motivated by the desire to achieve your own goal.
You have to build ventures on your own interests; things that you like to do.
You have to have self-confidence: the power of observation and decision.
Through your vision, skills, creativity and innovation you will achieve knowledge and entrepreneurship.
Develop your own abilities and bet on them.
As an entrepreneur you have to believe in yourself. You are unique. Your thoughts are uniquely yours. Link your enterprise to your person.
You have to see a shortage of something as a need to be satisfied.
To become entrepreneur you to learn the skills: communication, team building and financial management. You will learn the skills you need to complete your goal. You have to become an expert.
General Entrepreneurial Skills
1. Teamwork
You have to develop your team building skills. You have to work with other as a complement to your skills. You have to learn to be a skilled team builder.
2. Networking
You have to learn a networking skill, you will find the people you need to work with. You will have to meet people.
3. Communication
The art of transfer a message. You have a thought in your mind. You want to explain your idea. So, you will use communication.
You have to know your audience. Your communication will depend on your audience. Put yourself in the position of the people you are communicating with. You have to adapt your communication to the person who i listening to.
You have to study the target of your communication.
4. Learning
A) Informal- The best way to learn is self-awareness and observation. Also, your place of work is a classroom. You can learn doing the job and becoming aware about what you need to do your job and the essence of the job itself.
B) Formal - Take online courses and programs
5. Research
You have to develop the market research skill. One way is go to the nearest business school or department and ask for market analysis studies. they will provide. study very well. You will need to know your market, product, price and customer. You will need a market analyst skill.
6. Marketing
You will have to develop a marketing skill. Marketing drives advertising and promotion determines who will buy your product and the characters of your customers. Your product needs someone who can sell. Research and Market are tools to help to sell your product.
7. Customer/audience
Know very well who buys your product. Know who you are selling to. To get your message to your audience you have to expose it to them. You have to get your customers attention.
8. Advertising
Know the importance of advertising. Start studying your competition. See what they are doing in terms of promotion. Learn with your competition promotion.
If you think like other people that all the great opportunities have already been exploited and that anything worth doing as already been done, then you are wrong.
The key to success is recognize and evaluate opportunities. Opportunities are often disguised a problem. A problem indicates a need and a need indicates an opportunity. A need or opportunity points to a potential market. To find opportunities you have to listen to complains. Listen to complainers and try to fix the problem. List some opportunities that these common complaints might suggest.
Problems are need waiting to be filled. Needs are different from wants. Wants are very specific needs. Wants can be a need waiting to be filled.
Entrepreneurs distinguished Idea from Need. More important for entrepreneurs is the need. Entrepreneurs want to find needs. Entrepreneurs are busy identifying opportunities. Opportunities point to a potential market. An idea is the response to a need.
KNow that the world is changing as result we have a lot of problems. Entrepreneur are in search of opportunity. Problems that need to be solved. You have to welcome changes and all it brings because you know that great opportunities can bring rewards.
Ideas and Innovation
Opportunities are problems and challenges for which ideas are the solutions. Creating ideas require creativity.
Creating Idea is brain activity. To be creative you have to be free. You have to stop your own believes.
You have the chance to use existing technology in innovative ways.
People are, usually, RUT. They have a habit of behaviour that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. To be innovative you have to change your way of looking at and doing things. You have to be more favorable to change. You have to love and like change. Changes are not threatenings. Mot people do not like changes they resit it.
Work from home is a huge benefits for moms and housewives. Housewives do not have to commute anymore. Commute reduced all type of risks, transportation costs, accidents, diseases and freedom of work they way you want and desire, the time you desire and with the people you love.
Business Plan
You have to plan your innovative business. A innovative business plan is the description of your innovative business. Innovative business plan will help you to convince people and will help you organize yourself. Marketing research will allow you to know very well if your idea is a winning idea. Innovation is a risk business. Innovation is creation. You will create something that you do not know. You have the knowledge of the Idea.
Planning reduce and manage the risk. If your innovation involves a new product or service you will need to demonstrate how it works. You will have to test your innovation and make sure you will succeed answering investors questions.
Innovation are high risk ideas. Banks do not loan money to high risks ideas. Ideas are not good risk for investment.
Lastly I will let you stay with a innovation business plan Table of Contents:
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Analysis
3. Resource Analysis
4. Production strategy
5. Distribution and Promotion Strategy
6. Price Strategy
7. Cash flow projection
8. Repayment Schedule
9. Risk Assessment