Dear Ladies,
I am here again to give you my advice. Listen to me children of wisdom. following i will let you how women of success can become productive.
Listen to me children of wisdom!
A women of success needs to manage themselves for productivity. When we think about management we think about corporate or organizational management. The real management is about oneself.
To be productive is not enough to a women to be intelligent, work hard or to have knowledge.
Productivity is different from intelligence and knowledge.
My dear women of wisdom let me tell you productivity doe not require special gifts, special aptitude, or special training.
A productivity women should do certain and fairly simple things.
A productivity women should do a small number of practices to become more effective.
Women of productivity have to learn to be effective and practice effectiveness until it become habit.
You need to listen to me women of sophistication in order to you to have a performance you need to be productive.
When you look at the word productive, listen to me, associate it to an organization. You train yourself to be productive so you can give your ability to be effective to an organization or corporation.
Listen to me women of sophistication nowaday women spend the working life working for an organization. If a women have fair amount of school needs to improve their productivity so you can be evaluated positive in terms of performance.
A women of sophistication productivity will depend on their ability to be productive in an organization.
Women of sophistication take my advice and consider it.
Keep listen to me because i will teach you the secret behind productivity.
Following i will state the the 8 tips to become productive!
1. Knowledge
You get knowledge asking what needs to be done. It is all about taks to be done. After get the insight about what needs to be done focus in two tasks at time. Next you set priorities and stick to them. The priorities task will redefine your mission.
Women of sophistication next you have to evaluated yourself if you are suited to undertake all the priorities tasks, if not, delegate it to a competent person.
Then take the tasks you are suited for.
The second practice of productivity is asking if is the right thing to do for you or for an organization your work for.
2. Action Plan
Productivity is a action; you have to do something. You have to execute. At this moment knowledge is useless until is translated into activity. Before any action a women of sophistication will need a plan. A women of sophistication needs to think about the desired results.
3. Action
When the plan in translated into action execution will mean pay attention to a decision making, communication, opportunities and meetings. Problems are not fundamental to a action plan execution.
Love y'all