Greetings Women Of Wisdom,
Dear Sophisticated Women,
Take time to listen to my words.
Once again I have words of wisdom to share with you and I had the insight that you will take advantages of it.
I will help you to understand the main actions you have to take to improve your daily productivity.
Listen to me modern women of pretty traits I have wisdom words to make yourself more comfortable in the business of manage your day to day life.
I want you to understand what I am trying to communicate, It will help you, It will remove all your insecurities you have been experience.
I have four tips on how you will execute your daily life.
Share with your loved ones and let the word of mouth do their own thing;
1. Take decisions
A decision is not been made until you internalize it. Carry out your own decision. Have a deadline established. Make yourself available to understand the impact of your own decisions. Write your decisions and be familiar with them.
Review your decisions periodically. Establish a time which you will review your decisions. Correct the poor decisions you have made. Reviews can cover the results and the decision itself. Become aware of your decision that are not performing.
A systematic decision review is a powerful tool in your hands for self development. Check the results of your decisions against your expectations. Check where your decision needs improve or where they lack knowledge or information.
A systematic decision review will revear where you have shown to be weak or incompetent. Make sure you improve, get more information or knowledge in areas that you feel incompetent or weak. Be advise make decision in weakness or incompetence is not wisdom.
You have to know about your area of specialization. everyone is blessed by a God gift.
Women of wisdom listen to me You have a talent, flair, aptitude, knack and touch. You just have to find out.
Share with your loved ones and let the word of mouth do their own thing;
2. Communication
Make sure you understand your master plan and information you need. Do not hesitate to share your plan with knowledgeable people and ask them for comments. Get the information you need to execute your plan.
Your master plan will be held together by information rather than a tunnel vision and ego. Understand your plan in absence of ego. Identify the information you need, look for it, and keep executing your masterplan.
3. Opportunity
Majority of people focus their mind in the problems. Listen to me Women Of Wisdom focus yourselves in opportunities rather than problems. Focus in opportunity produces result.
Understand that changes usually open space for opportunity. Look systematically for changes inside or outside your masterplan, including in your ownself. Make sure problems do not overwhelm opportunities. Do not discuss problems related to your masterplan with people. In case you have to start first discussing opportunities. List your opportunities first.
4. Meetings
Be always with other people. Make yourself available to talk and to learn. Conduct yourself as a professional and get most of the meetings possible. Make your meetings productives- treat them as a work session. Decide in advance the kind of meeting you want to have. Prepare for your meeting. Self discipline yourself to make your meetings productive. Determine what kind of meeting is appropriate. Terminate the meeting as soon as the purpose is been accomplished. Follow up.
4.1 Meeting Purpose;
4.2 Listen;
4.3 Sum up
4.4 Termination;
4.5 Memo
4.6 Assignment
5. Think as an organization
Think in terms of We (considering your masterplan or organization) instead of I. You cannot execute your masterplan by yourself. You will need help. You will need information. Put your master plans needs and opportunities before your own needs.
Productivity is a discipline, can be learned and must be earned.
Women Of Wisdom I have given to you Five tips on how to conduct yourself on a daily basis. Follow my advice and improve your life.
Pretty women I make my communications from woman to women.