Dear Madam

Dear Madam

Thank you for your inquiry just received in regard to Lidiadelights Cakes.

You need not buy a uncomfortable Birthday Cake at a Department STore to be fashionable. Style, Comfort and good health are all combined in the Lidiadelights event cakes. No cake or cakes would be safer for the growing kid, more reassuring for the mature people, or more perfect as an fashionable event decoration cake. 

In our new catalog you will find among the many attractive cakes the one which suits you best. Ask the department Store if they have low sugar cakes in stoke or if they can get one for you. If they cannot supply you, order from us.

When you ask for a Lidiadelights cakes be assured that you have genuine bearing the label Lidiadelights. There are number of inferior cakes and brands. The genuine has lower sugar, better workmanship and will fit better  and healthier.

Lidiadelights is the sole manufacturers of low sugar cakes.

We deliver cakes within DFW in Texas. You can order cakesicles, sugar cakes and cupcakes and we deliver within US.

Trusting we may have the favor of your order, we remain, 

very truly yours



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