What is an executive woman?

What is an executive woman?

Dear Women


Once again I will take the opportunity to address a very important subject. It is very important that you understand that you have to take command of your own life.

Times are changing very fast. Changes bring opportunities and challenges.

I want you to take my advice seriously.

The first concept I want introduce to you is the executive. You have to position yourself as an executive. Executive directs, plan and coordinate operational activities. You have to command yourself planning and coordinating your activities and operations. Executive is expected to get the right thing done.

The second concept I want introduce to you is the effective. To be effective is the job of executive. To effect and to execute means  exactly the same thing.

In reality when you analyze the words  effective and executive people usually misunderstand them because they assume that they are synonymous with intelligence. But there is no relation between a man's effectiveness and his intelligence, imagination or knowledge. Brilliant insight is not by itself achievement. Efficiency measure the performance of manual workers.

You have to understand that intelligence,imagination and knowledge are resources, effectiveness convert them into results.

The third concept I want to share with you is efficiency- the ability to do things right. Efficiency only measure quantity and quality. 

Today the the society is structured in organizations, large organized institutions. Workers nowadays are required to have knowledge, workers have to use knowledge, theory and concepts rather than physical force. Working the right things make knowledge effective.

Listen to me pretty women in today's world you have to have knowledge, you have to supervise yourself, you have to direct yourself and you have to fight to become effective.

As a woman of knowledge your job is to think, thinking is your specific job, thinking is doing. Your motivation depends in your become effective and be able to achieve results. 

As a thinking woman your job is to produce knowledge, ideas and information. As a knowledge woman you have to be competitive. You have to educate yourself in order to be productive.

As a thinking woman you have to make decisions, you have to take responsibility of your actions.

You knowledge is not defined by quantity neither by cost but by its results. 

The above is my advice for today.

Love y'all.



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